Domino is a set of tiles that can be stacked on end in long lines to form shapes or create games. When a domino is tipped, it causes the next tile to tip and so on until all the dominoes have fallen over. This simple principle is the origin of the phrase “domino effect.” It describes a sequence of events that starts with one small thing that leads to larger and more significant consequences.
Dominoes have a distinctive appearance that makes them easy to identify. They are normally twice as long as they are wide, and each has a square shape with a number of dots (also known as pips) on each side. Each side of the domino has a different value, which is used to determine how a tile is played and how it fits into a domino layout.
The most common type of domino has two value sides, each marked with six pips, but some have fewer or no pips. When a player places a domino, they must ensure that the other players cannot see the pips on the other side of the tile, and this is accomplished by shuffling the tiles before a game or hand begins. A collection of shuffled dominoes is called the boneyard.
When a domino is placed, it must be connected to other dominoes with open ends. Often, these ends are adjacent to each other but can also be opposite each other or a diagonal from an existing domino. The value of a domino may be determined by counting the pips on its face or by using a special die that adds up the values of each of the four adjacent sides.
In many domino games, the winning player is awarded the total of the pips on opposing players’ tiles. The winning player can earn this by completing all of the rounds in a given number of hands or by reaching a certain target score (e.g., 100 or 200 points). Usually, the more doubles that are played in a row, the more points are earned.
When creating a domino layout, Hevesh follows a version of the engineering-design process. First she considers the theme or purpose of her installation, then brainstorms images or words that can be represented by the layout. She then calculates how many dominoes are needed for her design and plans the layout. Domino layouts can be as simple or complex as desired, and can include straight or curved lines, grids that create pictures when they fall, and even 3D structures like towers or pyramids. In addition, the pips on each domino can be replaced with symbols or Arabic numerals for greater ease of identification. This helps when playing with very large dominoes, or when the number of possible combinations becomes overwhelming. This can be especially useful for younger players who may find it difficult to remember the number of pips on each domino in a specific row or column.